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Every person has a story. Our story encompasses our struggles, hopes, accomplishments, and failures. Every individual story is wrapped up in God's eternal story.  Therefore, we value the opportunities to gather and share our stories, to support and sustain one another, and to be reminded of God's love for each of us.  As we gather at the Lord's table, we are reminded that we are all loved and accepted through the sacrifice and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We remember the words from Hebrews 10:23-25 "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more, as you see the day drawing near."  We looking forward to having you gather with us either in person or through our live streams.


As we experience God's love we are enabled to share God's love with our community and our world. Freely we have received so freely we may give. Jesus reminds us that He did not come into the world to be served but to serve. We have the opportunity to use our gifts and abilities to serve one another. We also join together in serving. When we see needs we are motivated to ask what we can do to meet those needs. As we do we share God's love with a broken and hurting world.


We realize that we are not the only Christians. We understand that we cannot do everything by ourselves. So we join our efforts with others to worship and serve God and to love and serve our world. We join hands through the food pantry to serve hungry people. We support the Audubon County Chaplains as they serve our first responders, fire and law enforcement and visit those in jail. We welcome opportunities to join for Worship in the Park during the July  4th celebration. We partner in the Thanksgiving, Good Friday and Week of Prayer for Christian Unity services. We join together for Vacation Bible School each summer. We support the Relay for Life and the summer reading program at the Exira Public Library. We join together to accomplish what we could not by ourselves. We invite you to become partners with us as we gather and serve together.


We hope to have you join us in person for our fellowship and worship but we also understand things come up.  You can keep us with us by watching our live stream broadcast of Sunday Morning worship or by clicking below to access the Medial Library where you will find an archive of previous sermons to either watch or the first time or even to refresh your memory during your studies.

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